Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tired of Losing At Heroic Raids in World of Warcraft? Two Essential Tips To Dominate Heroics

Sometimes it does not matter how long you have played WOW, the heroic raids and instances are hard. I hate to say this, but if you are new to the game it is going to be even harder. For the newer players out there, heroic instances and raids are only available after you reach level cap. One of the only reasons for these instances is to show off how skilled you are and how cool your gear is! Sorry to say it that is all it really boils down to. Now if you are still really wanting to play these instances there are two essential tips for you. First you are going to need some awesome gear, and secondly you need an even better team to back you up. See not too hard so far, so let's take a look at each.

The Gear On Your Back

If you want to start a heroic, the gear you own is probably the most important aspect. Sure, you may have heard otherwise even from Blizzard itself. World of Warcraft has undergone many changes over the years and this is one of the areas. Blizzard has tried to make Warcraft more accessible to newer players. They want you to get involved and enjoy the game as much as the players who have been there for years. So when Cataclysm (the newest patch) was released recently, a lot of the newer stats had been either simplified or removed entirely. You will see that armour penetration and spell power have been modified. And to my relief the entire mana system was changed. These changes have been made for improved game play for all players, which I think is great.

So you are still left with the question of what gear you need for a heroic instance. In short, you will need a full set of blue gear, nothing short of that will work. You should have this set after completing all the instances between levels 80-85. Although I think it is just better to do it that way, you can always buy your gear at the auction house of your choice. Sometimes you can actually find some good deals on the blue gear there. Another option to consider is trying your chat trade, and see if you can work something out for blue gear with another player. Now I'll warn you if you go into a heroic and don't have the right gear, prepare for some hostilities from your fellow team mates.

You'll Need Some Good Team Mates

After you have supplied yourself with the proper blue gear, you are on to the next step of aligning yourself with a quality guild. All I mean is find a skilled group of WOW gamers who are willing to practice and strategize heroic runs. With heroic runs you have to be playing with members who know their characters roles and know how to play. If you are playing in levels 81 and under, it is fine to use the dungeon finder. But once you begin heroic raids you want to know who you are playing with and be a finely tuned WOW machine.

More often than not, you will not find the right guild right from the get go. It's going to be like finding the right pair of shoes, you are going to have to try a few out. At least find your way into a decent guild and just keep practicing, in time you will get accepted into a highly skilled guild. Once you have made it into a veteran guild, you will be able to easily defeat the newer instances and higher level bosses with ease.

So if you have not had the chance to play heroic instances, get yourself leveled up. Because that is where the fun, fortune and glory are at! Just be ready because it is no walk in the park, you are going to have to be skilled as well as patient and persistent. You need your gear in top shape as well as an awesome guild at your back. When everything is in place, start practicing and you will see whole new opportunities open up for you on World of Warcraft. If you are new just keep grafting and leveling and acquiring that gold, because you really don't know what awaits you!

Just never give up on WOW, because it really can be a very rewarding experience you need some help check out my FREE tips and tricks here. You can even check out how to build an epic gold stash quickly and easily.

If you have any questions about playing WOW, feel free to contact me at the site and I will do my best to help. Best of luck, and let me know when you hit level 85!

View the original article here

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